Readings for 2020 – 2021

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English textbooks 2020-2021

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Essay about the Coronavirus. 1 ESO C

Esteban Eduardo Camacho Hermoso has shared his essay about the situation we are in because of the coronavirus.

I invite you to read his composition:

My essay about the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

3d_medical_animation_coronavirus_structure«I still can’t believe what is going on worldwide for the Covid-19. Some people argue that it comes from different animals, others say it is a biological weapon.

From my point of view that doesn’t matter right now, the important thing is that we are suffering it because of the irresponsibility of the politicians and now 2.458.000 people around the world are infected and 168.000 people are DEAD, and now the families of those people have unimaginable pain. Nothing will ever be the same.

But not all is lost, with the collaboration of the citizens and the effort of the doctors we can save ourselves, I know it’s hard spend a month locked in our houses, but it is for a common good.

In order to tackle this problem, the citizens have to:

-Wash your hands

– Cover your mouth when you sneeze

– Don’t leave your home if isn’t necessary

-Protect yourselves using gloves and masks

– As a reward you will be able to continue with your daily lives.

To sump up, you need to obey your instinct and if you see that something is wrong,  lock yourself and wait for instructions.»

Thank you, Esteban, for sharing your thoughts!

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Readings for 2019-2020


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English textbooks 2019-2020


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Short Film: Arya the Ant

Short film by Beatriz Cuéllar and María Vicente


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My Future (2 Bach A)

Thanks to Génesis for sharing it with us!

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Going Shopping (2º Bach. A)

Génesis, Sara, Gonzalo and Manuela, talking about shopping.

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2 Bach. Initiative. Kahoot. Units 5-6

1024_2000Kahoot. Vocabulary about units 5-6

Isabel Jiménez was the one who prepared this kahoot for everyone to practise!

Thanks a lot!!!

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2 Bachillerato. Quizlets Units 1-6


Quizlet by María Sánchez

Initiative (Macmillan)

Thanks a lot!!!

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